We all have that one eccentric friend who likes ketchup with a roast dinner or dips their chips in ice cream instead of sauce (who are these people?!). But if you’re anything like us, when you couldn’t visit restaurants and everyone was panic-buying staple foods in the shops, you probably experimented with some interesting flavour combinations…
We’re all for trying out new combinations, but some that we’ve recently discovered are not for the faint-hearted! We’ve put together a list of the weirdest and the most strangely enticing sauce combinations from around the web for you to enjoy if you’re brave enough!
1. Hot sauce on pancake stacks

2. Brown sauce and beans
This one is old but gold and will definitely be familiar to a lot of Brits out there. The debate around whether these two go together might not be as high-profile as the pineapple on pizza debate, but most people will have a strong opinion either way. If you’re completely against it, we’re not here to try and convert you… but have you tried Harrisons Brown Sauce on beans? It really takes beans on toast to a new level.
3. BBQ Bolognese
You’ve heard of BBQ beef, and BBQ pizza, but what about mixing it into a Bolognese? If you’re a big BBQ sauce fan, or you just fancy putting a new twist on an old classic, this might work for you. Harrisons BBQ Sauce adds a little bit of sweetness and a touch of zing to all kinds of recipes, but is particularly nice in a beef ragù with a generous grating of parmesan!
4. Chocolate mayonnaise cake

5. Ketchup on ice cream

6. Oreos dipped in mustard

So there you have it, six wacky and wonderful combinations you'd have to be crazy to try! (But here at Harrisons, we think all the best people are a bit crazy...) Fancy giving any of these a go? We'd love to know what you think - let us know how your saucy experiments turned out on Twitter, Facebook or wherever you follow us!