Saucy Lockdown Lunches

Ok, hows everyone doing during Lockdown 3.0?

For many it's been the toughest yet. Finding routine and motivation can be tricky, but if theres one thing that can really help you to energise and be productive during these times, its eating properly. 

Why is it that lunchtimes always feels like the hardest meal to plan? Breakfast is easy, some cereal, some toast or some eggs. Dinnertime, we're blessed with time to cook from scratch or even treat ourselves to a cheeky takeaway. But not lunchtime. Lunch continues to be the meal that is often neglected. 

So we have hunted the internet to help find you some quick and easy, delicious lunchtime recipes that will please the sauciest of eaters.

Soft Shell Tacos

 OK we're starting with one of our favourite things EVER! 

The best thing about tacos or tortillas is that you can be as creative as you like. Its a great way of combining all kinds of flavours and textures into a small parcel that guarantees for a taste explosion. 

The best bit is, if you don't like something? Just leave it out. Want to add a different sauce to yours? Do it! But here's a little #TacoHack for you all. Always leave one tortilla underneath as you eat them. This way if anything falls out, you have second taco ready to go!

Click here for the recipes.

The Ultimate Ham Sandwich

"Hey Harrisons, we know how to make a ham sandwich!"

"Oh yeah? But do you really know how to make a ham sandwich?"

Alright, so yeah this one isn't going to win any creativity awards, but if you just love a good sandwich we promise you this has the wow factor. Now this recipe does suggest making your own herb mayo, by combining some herbs, olive oil and mayonnaise, but if you want a quick hack, we recommend you just add some Harrisons Garlic & Herb sauce. Trust us on this one, you won't look back.

Click here for the recipe.

The Omelette or Frittata 

Who around here loves eggs, because we sure do at Harrisons Sauces UK!

How can something so delicious also be good for you, we just don't understand either? But eggs are a great way to create a really healthy and filling lunch that will have you firing into the afternoon, ready for anything. 

Like with the tacos, this is a great opportunity to get creative and mix and match different meats or vegetables to find that winning combo. We however have found one recipe that we just had to share. Its a quick and easy frittata with roasted red peppers, spring onions, punchy pickled jalapeños and a delicious helping of Harrisons Chilli sauce to really lift those flavours.

Click here for the recipe.

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